Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Finally, A Worthy Addition To the Blackberry Face Collection

It's been over a year now since the last addition has been made to The Blackberry Face exhibit, and even though multiple potential candidates have been presented, none has earned a place in this renowned art project. Until today.

Eat A Dick Joel, in conjunction with the Greta Meert Foundation and the Brussels Foire des Antiquaires are pleased to unleash a ninth worthy addition to the vaunted Blackberry Face collection.

Here now for the first time is "Margaret:"

Yes, "Margaret" is holding a mobile device and has the requisite "sturgeon mouth" that the previous eight entries display, but what sets "Margaret" apart from her predecessors is her fanciful steampunk top hat with a peacock feather sticking out of the brim. Unexpected and absolutely exquisite.

Shortly after the photo was taken on the 23rd Street R subway line, some gallery experts reviewed the latest submission and unanimously approved it. "Margaret" joins the eight other Blackberry Faces to create a stunning 9-piece polyptych.

Click to enlarge

Curators have been quick to point out that "Margaret" has unusual dimensions because the peacock feather was required in the shot as well as the mobile device. She now takes up 2 of the spaces that the others occupy.

This new exhibit will be on display at the Museet for samtidskunst (Norwegian Museum of Contemporary Art) in Oslo starting March 16. Tickets will be 20 kr for general audience and 10 kr for members. Please, no selfie sticks or children's "roller" shoes.


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