Thursday, August 21, 2014

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

You know you're really living when you're getting a parking lot blowjob from a Hawaiian Tropic cardboard standee.

A popular way to prepare broiled emcees is to boil them still in their askew baseball hats, allowing your guests de-hat them for themselves!

I can't tell if Ces Cru is stripping this girl of her ego or if she is a stripper with a huge ego already. NEEDS MORE INFORMATION.

"Theart Breaker?" I just s'd in my pants. 

"Okay, guys. Very funny. Joke's over. Now where are you, where's my wallet, and how did we all end up in Prague?"

Really lazy mix tape designers sometimes just visualize a wishlist of stuff they want. Kind of like the old shopping segment in "Wheel Of Fortune" reruns.

Khaled didn't get that super-soldier body naturally. A secret government agency altered him with Ho-Hos and years of neglect.


Meanwhile in China, they're cranking out cheap knockoffs of this mixtape. Hurr hurrrr.

Dear, Jesus. Thank you for not using the classic "see and say" here.

It's not really considered cool to use a colored-in kid's placemat from $hmopcity Pizza Parlor for your mixtape cover without prior approval from $hmopcity Pizza Parlor.

"We gon' BO'LING FO' SO'LS!"

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