Thursday, June 26, 2014

The EADJ Facebook Defriender

In this installment, we give a hearty goodbye to C_______ from R_________ for using her Wall as a public form of self-affirmation, which is not a crime unto itself, but judging by the posts, either a ton of her friends have consistently betrayed her, or she just posts shit like this to make sure they never do. Translation: extreme manufactured drama by a very entitled person who doesn't have time for this shit but uses ALL HER TIME to post about it.

Here is a sampling of posts C______ made in the LAST WEEK:

And all this came to a head yesterday when C_____ posted this head-scratcher:

So many questions. First one being what does "turn up" mean. Like any other old man, I had to go to Urban Dictionary for clarity:

The other (maybe bigger) question is, why is poor Kermit the Frog part of this? Why has thatsnoneofmybusinesstho co-opted him, of all characters? Maddening. (Careful clicking on that link. You might get an overdose of sass.)

Amen, sister. Bye!

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