Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Miracle Whip Rebooted Its Image

If you watch soap operas, you may have noticed that Miracle Whip has redone their image to appeal to a younger audience by shortening their name to "MW" and boldly proclaiming that they're "not for everyone."

How did such a classic, fuddy-duddy brand drastically reimagine their own image and not sound like they're trying way too hard to be hip when they're obviously not? With a little help from their marketing department, of course. To get a little insight into the process, we obtained from the Miracle Whip ad agency Hoppes, Fangor & Dunfella some internal marketing materials that they used for the rebranding. Here is what is known as a "mood board," outlining in clipped out photos what the old Miracle Whip brand represented in consumers' minds, and what the new MW brand could represent moving forward.

Click to enlarge:

Stay tuned for more enlightening mood boards that we get from Hoppes, Fangor & Dunfella that we'll fish from their dumpster out back.

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