Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Most Complicated Fucking Mailer I Have Ever Encountered

Since I work in advertising, I get all sorts of solicitation emails at the office- mailers from illustrators, photographers, and even voice talent. I received one of those the other day from Sharon Feingold, a voiceover artist. It was holiday themed, so someone sent that shit late.

Little did I know this delightful mailer would swallow up to an hour of my time with its "interactivity."

You'll notice in the lower right hand corner of the card is a logo for a dietary supplement sold at GNC. No wait, that's the logo for Aurasma, which we'll learn about later.

The instructions were simple:  Just scan the QR code with your smartphone to download a special app which reads the QR code to make a fun augmented reality animation on the front of the mailer come to life when you watch the mailer through the smartphone. Easy, right? Hey, where are you going??!!

The instructions on the back read like the launch codes for an ICBM in the 1980s. How many goddamned steps do I have to go through for one lousy piece of junk mail? I somehow saw this as a challenge, which I (regrettably) accepted.

Step 6 done. Now onto Step 7.

If you're reading this, Sharon Feingold, please do us all a favor next year and just show up at our office door to do the musical number in person. It would cost you a lot less money and take a lot less time for us to ignore. God bless.

*UPDATE: I did a quick Google search, and Sharon's animation can be viewed in ONE FUCKING CLICK. Damn you, Aurasma!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Sharon Feingold here! Yeah, I TOTALLY agree with you. When I got the card, I couldn't believe how difficult it was. Good thing I'm not promoting my direct marketing services. :) Your post was hilarious.
