Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

If you ever want to make the value of your sports car plummet, have Rick Ross sit on the hood.

Jimmy Mulaaaa is so confused with all his material goods and extra As in his name that he tries to make a phone call on a stack of money.

Jose Guapo is so confused by his massive illustrated size that he answers the stack of money that started ringing.

"Definitiono Fag?"

No wonder the polar icecaps have been melting- Pitbull's been pissing on them.

It does a heart good to see a narcissistic/untalented rapper like Soulja Boy have his actual name MISSPELLED on a mix tape cover.

I really don't know where to start with this one. It wins this round for its awesomeness.

Looks like someone couldn't pass up the Duty Free shops at Charles De Gaulle Airport!

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