Tuesday, October 29, 2013

So How's Alice Gainer Doing On Channel 10/55/Whatever?

A few weeks ago we reported on the reporter Alice Gainer now holding down the desk at WLNY 10/55 instead of breaking up Maurice Dubois (it means "of wood") and Kristine Johnson, the best damned news team ever. So how is our former homewrecker doing over there?


Holdin' it down.
Gettin' it done.
Makin' it happen.
Readin' that prompter.

Reportin' those headlines.
Catchin' it live.
Doin' it up right.
Kickin' ass and takin' names. Also, reportin' those names.

Shakin' shit up.
Throwin' it all out there.
Takin' it as it comes.
Gleamin' the cube.
Maskin' the tape.

And AG isn't the only one moonlighting. Correspondent Tracee Carrasco (try typing that five times fast) is also burning the candle at both networks, working a sensible blouse by day...

And the Kermit the Frog reporter overcoat at night. Serious!

This, of course, frees Kristine Johnson up to pose for flower seed packet point of purchase displays.

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