Friday, October 11, 2013

An Imagined Conversation

"Okay, Gary. Lean forward a little bit and let Hannah rest her head on your shoulder... yes, like that. There."

"I got a question, Quentin."

"Yes, Gary?"

"What will this be used for?"

"Try not to move, Gary. Um, this photo will be a used as stock photography. Hannah dear, try turning your head to the left more. Your left..."

"Stock photography? I thought this was for something specific."

"Nope. The contract says 'general use,' which means these shots we're taking will be offered for whatever a paying client would like to use them for."

"What about a model release? Don't they need my permission to use the photos?"

"That was part of your contract with me. You and Hannah have already signed over model rights for these shots. That was what you signed before I cut the checks."

"Quentin? My neck is starting to hurt."

"Sorry, Hannah. Lean back a little more, but keep your eyes where they are."

"Wait. So that means they could use this photo of me and Hannah for anything, like an NRA ad or a brochure for herpes? Or God forbid, for target shooting practice for a hate group?"

"Um, hate groups don't usually use stock photography, I don't think."

"But you're saying we have no control over what these photos will be used for."

"Right. But you cashed your check already, right?"

"Yes, but..."


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