Friday, September 6, 2013

Announcing: EADJ's Mission To Spot All Of The Avengers On The Subway

Iron Man. Thor. Black Widow. Captain America. The Hulk. And Hawkeye.
You'd think none of them would take the subway. Especially after having wrecked the shit out of Manhattan in that last movie.

But that hasn't stopped us from keeping an eye out for them on the New York Subway system, and recently we've been lucky enough to have already spotted a couple of "Earth's Mightiest Heroes."


His name is synonymous with mechanical genius. If anyone could invent a power source to both fuel a battle exo-suit and a special electromagnet to keep shrapnel out of one's heart, it's Tony Stark.

Here Tony takes the 7 shuttle from the Stark Tower to Times Square to possibly have cocktails with some sexy supermodels before coming home to Pepper. You'll notice part of the Mark 42 armor on his right knee. He was apparently waiting for the other pieces to fly to him. Note: depression is often a side effect of extreme alcoholism.


Hawkeye is considered one of the more talented archers in the Avengers, if not the best. And although he lacks superpowers, he is at the very peak of human conditioning. Hawkeye (real name Clint Barton) is an exceptional fencer, acrobat and a grandmaster marksman, having been trained from childhood in the circus and by the criminals Trick Shot and Swordsman.

Here Clint is catching up on some emails. Note the Apple computer, his sly nod to William Tell.

So that's two down, four more to go. We feel like Nick Fury rounding 'em all up!

Stay tuned, true believers, as we continue to search for all The Avengers on the New York transit line!

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