Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yard Waste Bin Was Happy

Yard Waste Bin was happy about something.

Microwave was unhappy about it.

Diaper Bins At Babies Я Us were unenthused about it.

Shopping carts were dispassionate about it.

Airplane Tray Table Latch liked it for evil reasons.

Dunkin Donuts Sign Base was appalled, however.

Wall Bracket was shocked.

Hot Dog Vendor Cooler was okay with it.

Diaper Genie Box was outraged. Outraged!

Building thought it was a big deal, too.

Parking Lot markings didn't give a shit.

Neither did Left Flip Flop.

Burger King Window Cling was all 'bleghhhh' about it.

Water Fountain smugly kept his opinion to himself.

Soda Bottle Crate was dismayed.

Luxury Toilet Paper Fixtures was angry about it.

Parking Meter thought it all was pretty cool.

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