Monday, June 10, 2013

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

And now, this month's most questionable and/or least explained hip hop mixtape covers:

Nature: Seasons Changed (Spring Edition)
Are you sure this isn't a Narada New Age music sampler sold at aromatherapy spas and head shops?

Look. Someone scanned a necklace pendant that they got at a fair.

A goat man? A possessed mother? A Gremlin with lopped off ears? I almost want to listen to this out of morbid curiosity. Almost.

"It's a trap!" Yeah, I get it. Who doesn't. But what I find interesting is the Middle Earth elf and the guy bending over with jeans behind Admiral Ackbar. This photo was stolen from a comic convention! How awesome is that for those cosplayers?!

"Hi. We're Cherish. And the truth of the matter is, if any of your friends offer you drugs or alcohol and won't take no for an answer, then they're not real friends. Just stand up to them, say 'no thanks,' and stand with one hip uncomfortably out to the side like you just hip checked a runaway refrigerator. And that's one to grow on."

"Exquisite" is the latest artwork filter featured in Adobe Illustrator 6.5. Now you can turn any boring cell phone shot of your friends into a stylish but boring cover for your mixtape!

I can't say for sure whether Donald Trump would really tweet a shout-out to Chief Keef, but the Donald has tweeted stranger and more random things. Sure, Keef, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.

The thing that makes the least sense here are the AUTUMN LEAVES.

Future's clapper was successfully installed. Now if only he could start dusting the place...

Nobody from H.R. had gotten around to speaking to Georgia about how her outfits weren't exactly office-appropriate, especially since the regional manager's conference was in two days.

Gillie Da Kid tests his clapper from 4 miles away from his apartment, and miraculously, it works!

Jadakiss's foot powder empire was unrivaled.

Here's the thing about going out to eat with Defari. If you take him to Olive Garden, and he spots that oversized prop wine bottle, he WILL grab it and do thirty minutes of prop comedy with it until your entire group gets thrown out.

Someone wanted to be badass by photoshopping their face onto Optimus Prime's with a gun barrel for a mouth, but it only ended up looking like they're an appliance that brews delicious coffee.

Hey guys. Look at the tat under his right nipple. It says DO NOT RESUSCITATE.

After he was stopped by the highway patrol, Meek Mills was disappointed to learn that he hadn't broken any laws besides a minor helmet law and was sent on his way. Man, he wasn't even cuffed!

It's a fact that Young Jeezy is an absolute clean freak, so when it's time to clean burned alfredo sauce on the crockpot, he gets pretty serious with it.

"Beat It" featuring Chris Brown. Make your own punchline.

You can get onto Google Image Search and recreate this mixtape cover in about three clicks.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I would love to one day find a stripper that shits out dollar bills.

Raekwon poses for his album cover, knowing full well that the Tonight Show is not about laughing.

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