Monday, June 3, 2013

The EADJ Fashion Round-Up

As the months get hotter, the clothes will start to come off-er. So before it gets too hot and we're all wearing identical tank tops and speedos, here are the latest sartorial statements around Manhattan:

Where the Fuck Is Carmen Sandiego?

Urban Zebra hides in her natural habitat, the corner of 3rd and 42nd.

If you're 20 lbs overweight and dressed like a Winnie The Pooh character, waiting for your friends outside of a BBQ joint is probably not a good idea.

Selma flouts traffic rules- because she can- when she steps out into the middle of the street in her eye-catching Q-Tip hat. Take that, other pedestrians!

Hipster Doug in Williamsburg found this odd brown object in the street. It's a hat, right? Or a DVD box set? Wait! A wrist rest?

Black leather shoes. Black leather pants. Black leather jacket. Black leather baseball cap. But a NYLON BACKPACK?!!!! 90% commitment is not enough, Orlando. I'm sure there is still some cow left to use.

A down jacket with Hello Kitty pajama bottoms is already working really well for Della, but it's the flaming heart Ugg boots with "HEART" and "SOUL" etched onto the backs which really sends this ensemble into "legendary" territory.

In a hurry, Kasey? Then you should have planned your day ahead of time instead of wearing the 10" pink stripper heels on the same day as your internship interview. You didn't want that job, anyway. PHAIL!

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