Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Quick Word On Shitty Facebook Memes

Whether they're religious, female empowering, pet-loving, or just plain sappy, these bumper sticker-sized groaners pop up on the underside of Facebook like barnacles. Seeing this type of thing constantly flare up on the News Feed has to be the closest thing to experiencing herpes. And there's a type of person who posts this type of shit on their FB Walls- the type that has nothing interesting to say but desperately wants to say something or is too lazy or illiterate to put words together on their own.

Here is a sad collection of some of the worst I've seen in the past week:

And who TYPESETS this shit?

I'm not a theologian, but I think forging a message from Jesus Christ might earn you your own sulfur pit in Hell.

Do you have bland, general messages of positivity to share? Fuck you.

FB friends of mine who continue to liberally post these memes will be featured on the EADJ Facebook De-Friender shortly.

Julia's Creations must die.

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