Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

And now, this month's worst and/or least explained hip hop mix tape covers:

Nice job, Bigga Rankin and DJ Frank White. By "subverting" the imagery of white power and Nazism, you've inadvertently made it look like you're standing in a garage with the motor on, trying to reach the garage door opener.

Chris Brown: album cover designer.

Not sure if those jet-powered missiles are from the 1940's. I'm actually surprised no one added any "hip hop" elements like a Kangol hat or bottle of Dirty Sprite in Kong's hand. Missed opportunities.

Yeah, that's what I want to do with a Mercedes. Park it across three parking spaces in front of a Citgo like an asshole. Also, it's night time, assholes. Lose the shades.

When someone comes up from behind you and smashes a gigantic light bulb over your face, just keep your cool and tell them that compact fluorescent bulbs save a lot more energy. Take the high road.

No change needed.

Kendrick Lamar demonstrates the danger of having too much gold in your grill: you end up vomiting the molten precious metal all over your new keffiyah scarf.

Vast Aire spared no expense for his album cover. He got the "best of the best"airbrush t-shirt artist to render his likeness on a vintage photo of 1960's New York City.

When Joe Budden runs out of deli flyers to pass out on the sidewalk, he just "hangs tough" and does the rosary in the middle of the street.

An awful cover based on an even more awful movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It's like Big Kurt is daring us to even listen to it. Nope!

Joker Too Cold breaks and enters an antique dealer's apartment and attempts to rob the tenant of four floral hat boxes and a medicine bag full of expired liniments.

See, Tony Mars is just like Don Draper, except he's unkempt, is tatted out and is not so drunk that he vomits in his wife's new oven. U Mad Man?

I'm going to just assume that Barack Obama really did tweet about #TrapStarzMusic in between fighting sequester budget cuts and overhauling the immigration system.

I honestly don't know where to start here. Is this really a hip hop album or one of those prop CD covers they use on sitcom bookshelves? Jesus.

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