Friday, January 11, 2013

So Where On The EADJ Crappinuum Did "Humanity's End" End Up?

(click to enlarge)

The most awful part of "Humanity's End" isn't in its lack of story or mediocre acting. It's biggest crime is in its proppage; it honestly looks like the prop master went to a dollar store with two twenties and bought the entire set, props and maybe even wardrobe there, along with some gifts for his kids and a pack of smokes.

The bickering of the crew was actually pretty enjoyable. But the stereotypically EVIL EVIL bad guys were unfortunate.

I would say that "Humanity's End" sat somewhere between "Unbeatable Harold" and "Da Station" for overall suckage. That's pretty low on the Crappinuum, which means it was pretty fucking piss-awful.

If "Humanity's End" were a cupcake, I'd throw it against a wall and draw a chalk circle around where it stuck. What does that even mean?

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