Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Overheard At The Living Nativity Scene

"Well, this itches more than I thought it would."
"Psst, what's the Packers/Lions score?"
"Aw man, what did you feed the goat?"
"That drummer boy is really starting to annoy me."
"I just realized that half of us are in a band."
"I know they mean well, but it's really distracting when passing cars honk their horns."
"I'm doing this for purely political reasons."
"Dude, I don't think a Rottweiler was in Bethlehem."
"Joseph. Stop staring at my chest."
"Does this count as cosplay?"
"Why is the baby black?"
"This manger wasn't built by a competent carpenter, I'll tell you that much."
"How ironic. The Comfort Inn across the street says 'No Vacancy.'"
"Hágame el favor de hablar más despacio."
"This will get me on IMDb, right?"
"Onion bagels? Fucking hell, Tom, I specifically said plain or raisin bagels."
"Okay, who has the air horn?"
"I look good in this."

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