Saturday, January 7, 2012


Did you know that electrical appliances still draw electricity when they are turned off but plugged in? You did? Oh. Well, aren't you smart, then. Sorry we didn't bring you any information there- we didn't realize we were talking to a genius in the room. Sheez.

Oh no, don't apologize. We don't deserve your apologies. We're sorry we wasted your precious genius time with worthless information. We were trying to be helpful and spread information about conserving energy, but clearly we're lowly, inconsiderate assholes for taking you away from mapping the human genome or fixing the economy or whatever it is you geniuses do. Fuck us.

Hey, how about this. How about we run whatever new electricity conservation information we have by a panel of Jeopardy champions and TED talk speakers, and if none of them have heard those facts before, we'll knock on the Mensa Headquarters where you obviously live and present it to you then. How about that, Chief?

Us? Sarcastic? Where did you get that idea?

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