Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hey, Excedrin

Okay, we realize that you guys couldn't believe your luck when you went into your archives and found that one of your old Excedrin commercials featured then-unknown actress Elisabeth Moss, who is now on the hottest TV series "Mad Men." It's understandable that you wanted to update the label on the package via CG and run this commercial to capitalize on Elisabeth Moss' fame.

But come on, guys. She is SO YOUNG in this commercial that she barely looks like this now. I feel like I'm watching her 12 year old birthday party.

If anything, running this ancient reel-to-reel commercial is telling people that your product hasn't changed for shit and is about as medically current as "Jonathan T. Greenbaum's Health-Wise Liniment For The Tremors and Rheumatism."

So for the love of Mike, you cheapskates, stop running that stale-ass commercial from when people still listened to Walkmans and shoot a new actress with like an HD camera. That old shit is giving me a throbbing headache.

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