Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh, Come ON, Target.

As previously documented here and here, I have been anxiously checking with Target to see if they had restocked CNN anchorwoman Robin Meade's solo country album. I checked again last night.

Nope. No Robin Meade CD. Instead, they've stocked some new album called "Hymns & Spirituals: Some Glad Morning" by Cindy Morgan. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!!

Look, Target, I've tried to be patient here. I've given you weeks to restock your fucking CD shelves with what is supposed to be there, namely Robin Meade's fucking solo album "Brand New Fucking Day." And every time I go back to your miserable wide-aisled store, I see NOTHING on that one shelf. You cannot possibly be telling me headquarters only supplied you with six copies of that motherfucker.

Daddy's got $9.99 burning in his fucking pocket, with Robin Meade's "Brand New Day" written all over it. Fucking restock that fucking CD and let me fucking buy that shit. You have one week, you slack pussy fuckballs, before I start taking a dump in your fitting rooms.

Bonus Beats: Here's Robin sporting a shredded t-shirt from the county fair and destroying a Richard Marx song, which I thought couldn't be done:

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