Thursday, August 25, 2011

Slipped Under My Front Door Recently: The Race Card

Some flyers by (State) Senatorial candidate Jerome Dunn pretty blatantly ask me to vote for him just because he's black. Which even more cynically assumes that's the reason I voted for Obama.

Comparing his shitty house with that of opponent Ray Lesniak's sprawling mansion isn't really a great strategy, either. I mean, will Jerome Dunn be available to vote on important issues if he's too busy shooing raccoons from his crawlspace?

And "lives like a Republican?!" You mean to tell me there are no rich Democrats?! You are so adorably naive, Jerome Dunn. Pinch your cheek.

Hey, I know. I'll vote for a box turtle for Senator. It'll be HISTORIC. THE FIRST BOX TURTLE AS STATE SENATOR.

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