Monday, August 15, 2011

Gracie The Bed Bug Detecting Dog Wishes She Could Speak

The following has been written by Gracie herself on a Mac Classic II computer.

As the canine partner and unofficial mascot of ACD Bed Bug Extermination LLC, I feel like my responsibilities are pretty big. But because of my lack of vocal communication (and to a certain degree, the greed of my owners) I feel like I'm powerless in a lot of situations.

I have been trained well-680 hours- by industry handlers to detect bed bugs. I attended the prestigious New Hampshire Canine Academy and even graduated Summa Cum Laude in both bed bug and termite detection certification. So my ability to find bed bugs shouldn't even be questioned here. What is at fault here are my co-employees.

When I barked at the bug sweep at 456 Hazel Street last April, it was because I was telling my handler Jeff that he left his pen on the resident's coffee table, which Jeff mistakenly took to mean "bed bugs are in the house!" Jeff promptly signed the residents up for a $300/month monitoring program. My apologies to that family.

In June at an upscale condo in Glenview, the nice old lady there offered me a piece of the quiche she was eating. I was like, "Hell yeah!" and wagged my tail. My handler Vicenzo saw my tail and ordered a complete gassing of the entire apartment. I heard later that that woman had to live in a Red Roof Inn for a week. I feel so awful for that nice lady. Vicenzo was out of line.

Then this week at the Hotel Intercontinental in Springfield, I smelled another dog shut in the manager's office. By the scent, she was pregnant and was going to have a litter in four hours. I could also hear her whining while the manager spoke to my handler Laura. I wanted to bark to let the manager know that dog was in agony, but at the same time I didn't want ACD Bed Bug Extermination LLC to charge the hotel that ridiculous $8000 corporate service fee. So I kept my mouth shut. Did I do the right thing? I still don't know.

I'm starting to suspect that my co-workers are less interested in whether I want a treat or enjoy a good rub on the belly from a stranger and more about THE BOTTOM LINE. I FEEL IT'S MY DUTY TO LET THE WORLD KNOW THAT I AM DESPERATELY SORRY FOR ALL THE UNNECESSARY PAIN AND EXPENSE THAT MY COMPANY HAS AND CONTINUE TO CAUSE.



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