Friday, March 11, 2011

Introducing: The EADJ Facebook Defriender




When it comes to Facebook postings, we at EADJ we believe in the "3 Strikes" rule; everyone gets several passes when it comes to posting stupid stuff on their Walls. But even we have our limits, which is why we've started the EADJ Facebook Defriender: a way for us to prune the tree of digital friendship when certain branches get annoying as shit.

This first pruning is our friend K_______ from ___________, who we know from _________. We posted some time ago when we noticed that K_______ uploaded very sexualized drawings of Betty Boop as their profile pic, in addition to posting every Farmville acquisition or horoscope she got daily. That's strike one.

Recently, they decided to post every music video that Nickelback ever produced. All at once.

Strike two. Then ON THE SAME DAY, when they ran out of Nickelback, they started posting music videos by Creed:


Auf Wiedersehen, K_______! Don't let the door hit your creepy cartoon ass on the way out!


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