Monday, March 7, 2011

The EADJ Crappinema FINALLY Reviews "Jeremy's Family Reunion"

We totally lied back in June of last year when we said this review was "coming soon." It's now March, and we finally release another disappointing EADJ segment making fun of a crappy movie you've never heard of. Let me tell you, I have no excuse for not delivering this sooner, and I promise to deliver the next EADJ Crappinema entry in a shorter timeframe than it takes to gestate a goddamned baby.

And the production values drop 4000% from the menu screen once you click on the "play" button.

Don't believe me? Here's the scene (rebroadcast for review purposes only):

The movie ends in a montage showing what happens to each character, since I guess they ran out of film- er, videotape:

Low budget movie with low production values and low humor, with a main character that doesn't learn anything, other than not to trust white women. Even the old platitude about "family comes first" wasn't even served up, which I guess is to the writer's credit. Overall, I feel like I've just attended a family reunion with cardboard standees, and someone never bothered to even turn on any music.

Overall grade: F

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