Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carolyn Kinder Could Give A Shit.

Look. I've put out these candle holders. They're okay. Not my best work, but whatever. They're cherry with some chrome finishes on the top. I mean they'll class up your place a little, but I'm not promising anything.

My agent wanted me to start selling these things at Target and Home Depot. So okay, sure. No big deal. Knock yourself out. Go to town on it.

So when all my interior design colleagues started hating on me, saying stupid shit like I've "sold out" or that I'm "contributing to the mainstreaming of mediocre design" (nice one, Interiors Magazine), I'm like, whatever people. You're just jealous that I've turned my brand into actual cash. Not like you, Maggie Stonewall. How's that strip mall store going for you? Yeah, I thought so, you cow.

You know what? Fuck the haters. I put my name on some admittedly generic candle holders, but it's more than you've ever done in your life. Who are you to judge me? Whatever.

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