Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Is a Time For Asking For Favors

My church sent me some mail the other week, and in it were 5 raffle tickets and letter asking me to sell them for $20 a pop.

My first thought was, Will they charge me $100 if I just chuck this away? They just stuck me with these tickets, and I have to figure out a way to unload these unsold tickets back to them; I just want to slip them in their mail slot. Now, it's a very nice church and all, but to send this chore to me and passive aggressively suggest I play bookie for their gambling racket is a bit forward. It's like an aunt writing you a letter "reminding" you that you promised to make a backdrop for her nativity scene, even though you HAVE NO RECOLLECTION of promising that.

MAN, I am cranky.

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