Monday, November 2, 2009

An Imagined Conversation.

"Hello, lady! My name Elmo! You want to count to 10 with Elmo? Okay! Hee hee! Elmo start now! One...two...three...four...hey, what you doing? Elmo trying to count to 10 with nice lady with bowie hunting knife.

"That's okay. Elmo start over with lady, okay? Hee hee! Here we go! One... two... AACHHH! Hey! What the fuck?! You cut Elmo in the back of the neck with that knife! That tore Elmo's fur and that hurts like a son of a...ACCCHHHH!

"Lady, you still cutting me with knife! Elmo not like you! Elmo not count to 10 with nice lady...ACCHHH!!! ACHHHHH!!!! ACHHHHH!!!!"


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