Monday, July 20, 2009

A Random Surprise.

A few months ago, I visited Tom's Restaurant in the Upper West Side. It's famous for the exterior shots of the diner on "Seinfeld" and is also strangely the inspiration for that annoying Suzanne Vega song "Tom's Diner." So I expected the place to be covered in Seinfeld memorabilia and Suzanne Vega gold records. Wrong.

The only memorabilia I found was a Kramer poster and a couple of framed autographs. And refreshingly, none of the menu items were named anything like "The Newman" or "The Puffy Shirt." But here's what I did find:

What the fuck, people. What is that thing. Is that a 9/11 tribute, or a student art project urging America to stop littering? Did a customer just leave that on a placemat, using ketchup, blueberry filling and a black crayon? It's utterly stunning, regardless.

That thing is beautiful. MUST STEAL.

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