Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Message Of Love and Peace From His Holiness, Swami Yaro

Hello, my friends.

We have crossed the threshold of change in this country, change that has sent waves of love and peace throughout all corners of the world. It is with much gladness that I bring you this joyful message of renewal:

Chill out. I mean, embrace your wholeness and its connection with the universe. I first said 'chill out' because it was the first thing that came to my mind, seeing how I was listening to some Rick Ross mixtape 10 minutes before writing this. Pretty bangin'. But what I meant to say was find your inner beauty and share it with the collective soul of the world.

No, not "collective soul." That sounds like that shitty band from the 90's. Shared soul? The shared soul we all share? Dammit, I'm kind of new at this, so you're gonna have to cut me some slack here. I keep digressing into mentioning musical acts (but do check out that new Rick Ross mixtape).

What I meant to say was, just do it. Or just let go. Try breathing. Is that what I'm trying to say? Hold on. Let me look at my notes...

Yeah, I'm back. What my message to you is, feel the burn. Image is nothing, taste is everything. Push it real good. Do it for the children. Vote or die. Tuna wrap with cheese, no onions. Eat my pussy.

No, that's the wrong page. My bad.

You know, let me just speak from the heart- we must come in contact with a higher intelligence in order for us to feel spiritually aware of ourselves and our brethren. By focusing in on a benevolent good within our souls, we can project that beauty throughout our lives and onto all other beings.

Oh, HELL NAW, Pewter Bear. You don't show up for months and months on this blog (thank God), but then you run all up on MY bit here? Naw, I ain't having this shit at all, son. People fucking hate you for a reason, and now I know why- you're a shitstain of a hanger-on suckup with no friends and nothing to say to nobody. FUCK, you're making me want to bust out my 9 and vent your sorry fucking ass.

You know, I hate you so much, I can't even talk to you right now. I'm just going to turn my back, and you can go away. And if I turn back around, and your miserable, whiny sorry excuse for a fucking self is still there, I'm gonna run up and cut you in the neck. I swear I will. I got the knife right here, bitch.



Okay, well, that's all for today. Check in later on for more of my teachings of peace and love. Until then, check out Rick Ross' new mixtape "Still Hustlin" out now. Shit is hot, y'all.

A sacred blessing to all of you, my friends.

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