Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fresh Direct Wednesday: Lobster Ravioli w/Vodka Sauce & Basil, or How A Weeklong Bit Has Already Outstayed Its Welcome On the Third Day

Here on Hump Day of bad week, we decided to go back to Italian food with Fresh Direct's Lobster Ravioli w/ Vodka Sauce & Basil, courtesy of Presto Italiano.

In comparison to the previous two dishes, a simple ravioli sounds pretty straightforward. So that coupled with the fact that I enjoy eating in general got my hopes up about this one.

And instead of eating outside in the lunch plaza, I took the entrée for a little walk before sampling.

It took me more than four tries to open the package, however. I felt like Nate struggling with the most gangsta saran wrap ever. Yeah, I'm self-referential.

What I'm guessing were supposed to be basil leaves looked like melted green crayons. Or Hulk raisins. Or alligator scabs.

Okay, this one wasn't totally awful. It wasn't offensive or pungent or gag-inducing. But it was bland. Tom even sampled a bite of it and said "Ew. Mushy."

Despite its blandness, I ate the thing and chalked one up for experience. Then I bookmarked it as one to grow on and as a notch in my belt. Then I had explosive diarrhea 2 hours later. Just kidding. It was solid.

Overall rating: F

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