Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well, My Curiosity's Cured.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Let me start off by saying that this entry is probably NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I've tried censoring out lots of the sordid parts of certain screens, but overall the content of this entry is best left away from your cubicle or Jamba Juice register.

I was walking past a construction site by my apartment and happened to spot something beyond the fence.

There were several DVDs lying on the ground. Cool! So my natural curiosity and cheapness motivated me to fetch the free movies.

Okay, so it was Japanese porn. But just for shits and giggles, let's pop it in and have a look see. The first disc, named "J Premium" was your standard porn fare...uh, or so Brad Harvey tells me.

The other DVD, named "Costume Play" is the one that made me later skip my dinner and question the basic decency of my fellow man.

She's not really gonna, is she? Oh. Yes, she is. Great. Fantastic.

It didn't take long for me to eject the DVD and rush back to the construction site to return the foul discs back to their original place. I sort of felt like that guy who discovers the singing frog in that old Bugs Bunny cartoon, except with more enemas and tiny penises. Origato, but no origato.

Click the movie to play. No, it's not that movie.

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