Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Smecial Dreams Entry!

We aksed a few people what were their dreams lately (all photos were stolen from their Facebook pages):

"I've been dreaming like crazy this week, but having trouble remembering them. I remember on Wednesday I dreamt I was lying in bed and kept looking at my clock and no matter when I looked it said 5AM. I'd close my eyes and go back to sleep, only to wake up and see it was still 5AM. I knew it was over when my alarm actually went off and I woke up for real and it said 6AM."

-Larry K

"Nothing I can share that's rated for the www."

-Kelly M

"I had a dream last night that my friend Kegan and I traveled to Kansas City for some odd reason. We went and saw a movie, got out and saw that the Mariners/Royals game was still going on--it was in extra innings. So we went to the game and got to sit in the middle of left field--actually on the field--to watch the rest. I believe the game went eighteen innings. Then we went to bed and had to fly out the next day. Kegan missed his alarm and didn't move the car, somehow costing us $500 dollars in parking tickets. I woke without making it to the airport in time."


"I had a dream that I fell in love with the woman with 14 babies."

-Jeff D

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