Friday, October 3, 2008

When I Say Dragon, You Say Force

Finally, some scientific proof of how hard DragonForce rocks:

Halfway through a morning run the other day, my iPod Shuffle played "Strike of the Ninja," a special edition bonus track off of DragonForce's newest album "Ultra Beatdown."

As you can see in the progress chart below, my performance improved markedly during that one rocking song, boosting my overall pace to 8 min 13 sec per mile and helping me save the youth center.

I'm not quite sure whether it was the 178 beats per minute of Dave Mackintosh's drumming, Herman Li's furious guitar solo licks, or ZP Theart singing the inspiring lyric "Standing strong together, marching forever on / Fire in the heavens, now that our time has come," but maybe it was a little of all of them. A veritable Voltron of awesome kickass awesomeness.

Thank you, DragonForce, for rocking my ass to the next level! Kudos, cheers, and huzzah!

You too can order "Strike of the Ninja" from iTunes here.

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