Wednesday, October 15, 2008

EADJ Presents: The Worst Obama Shirts EVAR

Over the past 20 months, Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama has inspired a grassroots movement. This movement has inspired people to hand out flyers, campaign via telephone, and sometimes design some godawful t-shirts via CafePress. EADJ has found some of the worst-designed Obama shirts and would like to share them with you now. NOW, I said.

The "Spitting Image"
Believe it or not, that is actually an illustration of Obama, not a silkscreened photograph. I know, right?

The "Kremlin"
Some college student saw some Soviet propaganda posters and figured this would be good for a t-shirt. Obviously an art student and not a poli sci major. Idiot.

The "Tyler Durden"
Bo-rrowed int-rest, CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP.

The "Ninja Turtle"
Great for wearing to get that "what the fuck is that asshole wearing?" look from people. I really don't get it. What is the connection? They're both "heroic?" They both climbed out of meager beginnings? They both enjoy pizza and skateboarding? I've sat here a good fifteen minutes thinking about this one. Obama had a mentor named "Splinter?"

The SNL "Inside Reference"
Fucking hell. Let me organize my thoughts here. Number one, "more cowbell" is from a skit from April 2000, for crying out loud. So, the only people who somehow think that is still funny are two merchants at a marketplace in New Delhi. Secondly, implying that Obama needs something that goes on a cow is extremely racially insensitive. Kidding.

The "Barcode"
Another design that doesn't make much sense. Except maybe promoting Obama as a true agent of total generic sameness.

The "Top Gun"
This is spectacularly stupid. Hello? "Maverick?"

Barack of Ages
Hey, just because some fundamentalists are calling Obama the Antichrist doesn't mean you have to go the opposite end of the offensive spectrum. Get a hold of yourself, man. Jesus t-shirts are so never.

The "Kanji"
Get it? It says "change" in some exotic oriental lettering. Why? Because I'm from the 80's! I still wear my keyboard tie! Kyrie Eleison, down the road that I must travel!

The "Holy Fucking Shit Who Is That Z-List Celeb With Her Horribly Disfigured Dog?"
The heart near the crotch. The unforgivable use of the phrase "bad girls." The grunge type. The pink fur on the unwilling toy bichon frisé or whatever. The mothercocking HEADBAND. The whole thing is so piss-in-my-eye awful that it actually makes me want to vote for McCain. And rape myself.

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