Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The David Cook Problem

My mother's retired now, and in her newfound ton of time on her hands, she's been watching a lot of TV. Most notably "American Idol." This is all fine and well and good, but she has somehow taken it into her head to become David Cook's biggest fan EVAR.

The other day I got this email from my Mom:


Hello favorite sons Jay and David,

Do me this special favor and humor me seriously by downloading (uploading?) DAVID COOK's new single LIGHT ON from iTunes. I am working on downloading it too but I do not have an IPOD.

Even if I find out how to download it to my PC, I still want you two to separately download it from iTunes. It is very important to me. If you can finnagle Rick to do the same, I will be eternally grateful. I know you are aware that is will cost each of you 99cents- WOW what a bargain when you will be making your MOM's day very happy. Please email me back.



So I deleted that email, but a few hours later, I received an iTunes gift in my inbox:

And moments later, J'Net told me she received the same gift. You'll notice that it's addressed to "Rex Perez," who is my cousin, so you can deduce that she's sent a David Cook iTunes single AT THE VERY LEAST to me, my brother Jay, Rex, and J'Net. Maybe there's a way I can talk my mother into going back to work...


  1. I love your mother - I did the same to my friends. Just listen to it!

  2. Retired mothers need to be humored....just think if she never birthed you :D Nah, it's a good song. And although your mother likes, you might even too.

  3. LOL!

    C'mon! David Cook's not a problem! Hahahahaha!!

    Actually, listen to the song. It's quite good. :)

  4. You're mother has EXCELLENT taste. I bet you'll like the song if you listen to it. I triple dog dare ya ;)

  5. Seriosly, dude... listen to the song.
    By the way, your mom rocks.

  6. Stop being such a big baby and LISTEN to the song! Don't think that just because your mother likes it, it's a bad song.

    David Cook hardly looks like the picture you used any longer. Check out DavidCookOfficial.com

  7. David Cook's me down there

  8. Does your mom have a word nerd number yet? I'd love to invite her to join the Dave forums. I think she'd have a great time "chatting" with all of us Cook fans.

  9. Who the Sam Camoshorts are all these people in the comments?!

    Son of a bitch.

  10. Go mom! She has good taste. Humor all of us and listen to it - it's good!!!!

  11. Dave,
    you need to listen to your mom more.
    She is super hip.
