Thursday, August 21, 2008

EADJ Reader Update

Breaking blog news from Bill Dow:

"i just got banned from a blog's comment section for not using capital letters."

Bill says the owner of the Chicago Tribune blog "Change of Subject" banned all his posts because of stylistic differences, but also probably because he called him "an Obama shill."

The blogger posted his post for banning him:

ZORN REPLY -- It's not acceptable Internet style here at Change of Subject. If you don't care enough about what you're saying even to use capital letters, why should anyone care what you have to say at all? Consider this your last warning.

you're banning me for not using capital letters? with a sentence that contains a grammatical error? here's some capital letters for you: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

good luck with the blog, generalissimo.

ZORN -- Yup!

"nothing could make my day more complete," Bill wrote.

Please note that at EADJ, you can pretty much write whatever however you want here, and we will rarely block you. Your non-capped comments are safe here, Bill.

(pictured above, a photo that came up when I Googled "Bill Dow")


  1. it must be KITTEH day!

  2. i didn't actually use the words "obama shill." but the intent was there. and it's true.

  3. I own only one house.
