Monday, July 21, 2008

Yes. He Prevailed.

“There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.”
-Salvador Dali

Wow. So much to process. So much to take in. It's really difficult to go point-by-point of the experience that it was to meet Jerald for lunch on Saturday. Tom & I have yet to talk about it afterwards. Maybe because that would somehow spoil our individual takes on the encounter. Suffice it to say it was epic. It was moving. It was everything we had anticipated and hoped for. It was probably better than "The Dark Knight."

We dumbly scheduled the lunch at noon at Loreley, even though the place doesn't open up until 1pm on Monday. So Jerald graciously invited us to hang at his place, where we got to know a little more about 'the Man.'

• He's a freelance fashion designer
• He doesn't pop his collar every day (maybe only for special occasions?)
• His roommate Justin couldn't join us because he went mountain biking at the last minute (which I thought was a little rude)
• He's big into jazz and has been playing the saxophone for a few years. Most notable jazz idols: Thelonious Monk, Coltrane, and Miles Davis
• He's a good host

He then showed us the rooftop to his building, which was a revelation in regards to the infamous photo.

So we finally got to the end of the meal (final bill, $130 but SO WORTH IT). Satisfied with the mystery of the photo being solved, Tom and I bid Jerald adieu and went back to our boring non-Jerald lives. Final verdict: Jerald is a totally cool guy who just happened to take the most random photo we had ever seen. Plus he promises to update his WAYN profile to include Canada and France, two countries he indeed has visited. And one other thing: he pronounces the website "Way In." That's awesome.

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