Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What the Fuck™?

Attention ad copywriters: Using everyday interjections for your taglines is unacceptable. Stop it.

Adopting a common phrase to sell your product has been a well-established method in advertising, and it's mostly been acceptable. Like Pabst Blue Ribbon's "What'll You Have?" or McDonald's "I'm Loving It." Familiar phrases that took on an additional meaning thanks to an association with a company's name.

But when you call dibs on "Whoo Hoo!" or "Yay!" you're overstepping your bounds. You're hoping that people will eventually hear someone say "Yay" and want a shitty ice cream cake or some substandard vanilla in a sugarcone. Or hear someone say "Whoo hoo!" and suddenly think about financing their car payments. God, you suck.

What next?

Stealing from the public lexicon is still stealing. And desperately uncreative. So fucking stop it, already. Come up with some original words like "Snickerlicious" or "Epsonality." And you know what? Bud Light trying to "own" the word dude is not okay, either.

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