Monday, April 7, 2008

El Spray-o The Toilet Bowl-o

Joel put on his dick-handling gloves today to move massive amounts of dick out of storage into his short-term refrigerator. The gloves were designed by NASA to withstand the constant heat and girth of unusually large quantities of dick without fraying– the same type of material that Joel's own lips are made from.

Having moved the dick into refrigeration, Joel then backed an 18-wheeler rig full of newly-received dick into the now-empty dick storage. His chimp servant Chad Yarboro (note the new spelling) guided Joel as he backed up.

Although Joel did knick the top of the dick loading dock, it was an uneventful effort. Joel now has plenty of dick to enjoy without going to Costco for another three weeks!

(pictured above, ordering fish in a Mexican restaurant will guarantee 48 hours off work)

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