Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Crime and Punishment.

You know what's more annoying than the fact that the titles of Grey's Anatomy episodes are popular song titles? When somebody 'borrows' something from your desk and doesn't tell you. I come back from a 4-hour lunch yesterday and LOOK. Something's missing from my desk! Where the flock is my tape dispenser?

One of the CD's on another account works across the hall from me. He's a lovely, marvelous guy, but I remembered him borrowing my stapler the other week and not returning it. So it was safe to assume he borrowed it? Yes. And not only that, but you can see in the background of the shot below, his EMPTY tape dispenser.

He also used enough of my tape to pretty much end the roll. So that's no good.

My punishment for him? I take back my tape dispenser and leave a CD of terrible music on his desk. Take that!

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