Friday, February 15, 2008

A Thought Process That No One Will Have

"Hey, there's that guy Jared from those Subway commercials! I recognize him! But wait, there's something oddly different about him in this ad. Something's not...Oh, I KNOW! HE'S GOT A MILK MOUSTACHE!! Just like a lot of other well-known personalities have done, Jared's gotten into a Got Milk ad! So this isn't a Subway ad at all, but a Got Milk ad! What an amazing twist in advertising! I know that Jared lost a lot of weight from eating those hoagies or whatever, because Subway is all about being healthier than the other fast food places. So I guess by association and his endorsement, Jared's telling me that milk is also a great way to lose weight! I get it! But isn't whole milk kind of bad for you with its fat content and all?...No WAIT! He's holding a container of LOWFAT MILK! Good show, Jared! So a container of Shamrock Farms would perfectly complement a 12 inch Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich (only 12 grams of fat) from Subway! Huzzah, I say, Huzzah! Well played Jared Fogle, you never fail to inspire me with your story of weight loss! Godspeed, my good sir, and I hope to see you again on Subway's television commercials!"

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