Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Joel's Got Onions

Hey, remember when Joel had that clam stuck to his neck? It happened again, but this time it's not attached to his neck, and it's not a clam. And it's in his kitchen. So it's pretty much exactly like that time.

Joel was dicing onions in his kitchen yesterday afternoon as he was making dick stew, when one of the onions rolled behind the stove. Joel tried using a broom, a wooden spoon, and even a dick to reach the darn thing, to no avail.

And since Joel couldn't move the stove without disconnecting the gas, he was one onion short of real dick onion stew. His brilliant solution? Just eat straight dick like he always does! Yaaaaaay, fun! Jesus, why do you read this blog?

(pictured above, a real CD. More info on Bishop Lamont here)

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