Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some phrases that the male characters in "Brothers and Sisters" use that no one with a penis would say.

One show J'Net really, really likes is Brothers and Sisters on ABC. In case you haven't heard of it, it's this schmaltzy family drama where people talk as if they're all in one huge therapy session. All the kids are grown, so they can all talk maturely to one another (and their parents) with "clever" dialogue about how their relationships have evolved and all. Some plinky piano music plays during really poignant moments of realization, and then I go to the kitchen to jab a corkscrew into my eye. Here are some examples of the type of dialogue you can expect from the male characters:

"You're really lucky you've got Julian in your life."

"That is a recipe for disaster."

"Sometimes I think you're just distancing yourself from the things you really want."

"Tell you what, little brother, I'll take care of it. But you owe me big, buddy."

"I've had an epiphany, Karla."

"Give me some time alone. I need to be mad at you for a while."

"Do you want to make love again?"

"It's not that I resent him for being successful, it's just that I feel like life owes me more."

"My vagina itches!"

"Dad, we're never going to find common ground. Let's just agree to disagree, okay?"

And then cut away to commercials for Jenny Craig and that shampoo that makes you cum.

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