Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let's Gamble the EADJ Mail Sack's Life Savings Away on Keno!

Submitted by John Reid, a photo that we cannot accept due to the fact that EADJ has retired the whole Curlz MT bit:


Submitted by Emily Kane via email:

Actual phone conversation had by me and sander earlier today…

Me: we’re eating in the Kriv

Sander: you’re eating the Kriv? like, the Curlz sign?

Me: yeah.

Me: …

Me: i wonder what Curlz MT tastes like.

Sadly, we cannot accept this entry, either.


Submitted by Jessica, an IM convo between her and Suz:

Here is the EADJ post they're talking about.

Submitted by Ranee Wu via IM:


  1. Frankly, I find Maddie's rules of Girl Scout purchasing overwhelming and demanding.

  2. I once wrote a song about a girl named Maddie. It was called "Shadows Beyond the Horizon."
