Monday, October 15, 2007

Let's give the EADJ Mail Sack psychological problems by fighting with our spouse in front of it!


The following email was forward by Jessica Foster:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Matt Webb"

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:26:14
To:"#CHI_ALL" <>

I would like to thank all of C-K for your deep concern over my missing spoon. I have had a massive response of people interested in the plight of my spoon over the past week. My spoon was indeed returned safely to me at 04:00 PM on Thursday, October 04, 2007.

Thank You


  1. thought this was gonna b about my boy ricky schroeder and his little train set sitting riding around ck like a wolf on speed. still got to hear 'bout j fo's crack so that's a good one. and got to see the name webb up on the web which alwayz drivez me crazy. but that webb bro webro got a problo if he bringing his silver spoon to worko. serio. what to eat? cereal? ya needz a family earloom to do dibbly do dat? what kind a stuff they be doing at ck that some smart guy gotta bring a silver spoon and then another steelz it like he'z in pittsburgh. wwded. what would devid estoy do? what woody do? guinees my sir dan. guinees to your girl. guinees to your boy. guinees to the squirles and david "ad man" estoye.

  2. maybe this isn't such a bad read after all.

  3. someone said rip! hahahaha lol. cool.

  4. cut it out and pour me a vodka.

  5. david, get back to work!

  6. free flight to NY for the 100th poster. so were'z moi trip?

  7. Listen to the choir. The tabernackle of cackle. The brim of the bamalama. The hoochie and the mamma. The baby and the drama. The zing and the zang. THe tyin and the tyang. the who will and who won't but more that that cereality. hotel victor oh boy. vince sure had a good weekend of joy. while bri-bri coulda done betta but man on man. oppsie daizy. man oh man what i ment to say. not on but oh. but oh. say that fast twelve times. does noel need a new sweater.

  8. I once wrote a song about shortbread.

  9. and i onced danced a doozey.

  10. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland Dan now lives and plays in New York and is a regular fixture on the NY live scene. He plays his own, with his band Sonovagun and with other bands including Joy Zipper and the Invisible Swords Men. Dan has been singing, playing and writing music since an early age. He started his career as singer and songwriter in critically acclaimed Belfast band Watercress and penned many of their most popular songs including “Candlemaker”, which reached number 1 in the Irish indie charts and “Stars Shine On”, which also topped the same chart. He has played with Watercress, solo and with Joy Zipper all across the globe supporting bands such as, Air, The Levellers, The Darkness, Duran Duran, Ian Dury and Turin Brakes to name but a few.

  11. sounds like you're naming more than "a few" sir dan. and should it say "he plays his own songs" instead of "he plays his own." seriuzly wut may people think if they read he playz his own? you all do, but people don't usually put that in their bio. and watercress is good in salad but for band name needs to involve anumber or be cooler like "The Watercress Five" or "Dark Watercress" and a song about a Candlemaker? really r behind the times in ireland. what about a song about potatoes? or the stars that shine. really dan i just a hater cause i just jealous of your shenanigans and coolness with duran dury darkness. respekt all the way to the bank brotha. this may be one of z most coherent comments i've make in z past NINE monz.

  12. I heard Pole Fritter plays his own into a sink.

  13. Pole Fritter. Hahahaha. LOL. Crazy you'd know someone who's name sounds so close to Noel Ritter. Howz that even possible? Have you ever seen them both in the same room together?
