Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Word Up Your Arse

Nicknames for everyone!

Inspired by the President's penchant for handing out unwanted nicknames, Joel started dispensing his own to those around him:

His Long's Drugs pharmacist is now known as "Janky."

The dude with the big nose at the barber shop will hereforth be known as "Sunnuvagun."

His chimp servant will now answer to "Chad Yarborough." Why? No reason!

The cops that raped him that time will be called "Pushy and Penetrate-y."

Mr. Durwin, his neighbor from downstairs who accidentally killed his wife by running over her, will be labeled "The Widower-Maker." Janky!

And finally, every random dick that Joel eats he now calls either "Brad Harvey" or "Mel Kreilein." Why, Joel?

(pictured above, proof that Ponte Fresco hasn't made a heap of difference in the overall weight of 225 N Michigan residents)


  1. whyzitsoquiettoday?

  2. i told you, *someone* called in sick today! who could it be? me???? hahahahah. wish there was a way to find out who didn't come into work today. don't you??? lol lol hahahahaha boo ya woo hoo and all that shizlestick.

  3. i'm interviewing elsewhere so no time for EADJ commenting. not like the good'ol'days of YESTERDAY!!! hahahah lunch with estoye would'a'been'nice, but oh well. take me to the river. throw me off the bridge. JUMP! JUMP! witherspoon rocks and don't let anyone tell ya different. melinda is a catch too! and ayana. ramalamadingdong!!!!!!!!!!

  4. or am i interviewing today? am i really not in the office? is this all a scam to get ya looking the other way? maybe i'm sitting on the other side of this wall right now. peaking up as sherry's rocks and trying so hard not to get caught. oh yeah. what would happen to me? would i be drawn and quartered? nickle and dimed? run up the flagpole so dean can salute? hahaha. lunch would have been good. it would have been fun. but oh no. this commenting today HAS JUST BEGUN!!!!!!!!! hahahaha with an evil kenival laugh like withespoon made after the fourth-of-july spectacular!!!!!! and what good are you if you cant get me reese's autograph? she the best in your family man and you been holding out. i want it. i want her autograph gardnardit. pppppppppeople get ready, the time has come. oh yeah. boo ya. larry got game.

  5. emily! emily! me oh my oh emily! snatch it before they match it! yes sir re bob. woot! woot!

  6. but the crack today would be so much fun i'd have to say. another video would totally make my day. and what a day. in and out of meetings. out and in of greetings. flushing queens to timbukto but most of all EADJ i love spending time with YOU.

  7. it's like life comes in spurts. one day it's a little of this. the next a little of that. and that my wisdom for day. word out. peace and all.

  8. why do you say i should take a back seat to boblett? it doesn't make a sense. just because he's the driver don't mean it's right. hell, mexico is in that boy's head. all serious like. i mean, come on kids. this ain't no fun. i sit near the crack but my momma she done broke her back. fiddlededo. fiddlededay. whay can't scott peterson, the real one, do some smack up dope editing of remix central ramalama today?

  9. potholes in my yawn.

  10. you knowwhatimean. joel, watch out, it's a comin' your way!

  11. which way? the L.A. way! boo ya brothers and sistas. boo ya ya'll.

  12. stuy town REPREZENT.

  13. why today am i alone in my mind? why nobody wanna talk? blimey blimey sun shine.

  14. Wow. I just realized Tylenol backwards is "Lonely T"

  15. don't say i never taught you gnihtyna.

  16. good morning my glory! -Buffy THe Vampire Slayer said

  17. what happened? just the other day you were so much fun...

  18. FACT: the activity in the comments section is inversely proportional to the activity on the bullshit list.
