Thursday, May 24, 2007

Is he back?

A recent trip to Jewel gleaned this flyer from a pile of coupons at the front of the store:

Now, I don't know who the fuck the Kane County Cougars are, or even where Kane County is, but they obviously have a shitload to do during baseball games: fireworks, giveaways, skydivers, and almost nonstop entertainment by an overworked Jake the Diamond Dog who wears a towel. You'd think the Kane County mascot would be a 40ish woman in gold lamé hitting on college dudes.

But one particular entry caught this EADJ editor's eye:

This raises some important questions. Who is Myron Noodleman? What is it that he does IN the game– make balloon animals, throw firecrackers at strollers, dry hump the other mascots? Is what he does related to ThunderStixx™? And most importantly, is Myron related to our former video dude Joe Nudelman (don't laugh)?

Maybe Myron IS Joe in full makeup. Or maybe Myron is Joe from the future, trying to warn Joe not to build that time machine, because it creates a dystopian alternate reality where the Zooperstars perform on Sunday May 27th instead of Saturday May 26th. Theories abound.


  1. and don't forget about homer:

  2. shouldn't this read "WHAT'S ON DICK" instead of "WHAT'S ON DECK"?
