Thursday, June 30, 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Skims Lingerie is Not Just a Lingerie Company. It's an Outreach Program for Supermodels

Earlier this year Kim Kardashian launched an ad campaign for her Skims lingerie line, featuring a reunion of former Victoria's Secret models: Candace Swanepoel, Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, and Alessandra Ambrosio. The former 'Angels' expressed gratitude and relief after being laid off in recent years by Victoria Secret in a new push to feature "regular-looking" models. The reality star with the giant ass said she hopes to make lingerie purchases based on unrealistic body images fashionable again.

Editor's full disclosure: I myself am fat.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Questions To Ask The Attendants To The Self Checkout Registers at Newark Airport

• What's your job here, exactly?

• I mean, it's a job. I get it. But instead of ringing someone up, you just stand there and tell us what to do?

• You're just here to make sure I don't steal anything, right?

• Why the apron?

• Do you expect me to tip you for not doing a job you used to do, too?

• Couldn't you just sit in a chair for this job, too, instead of standing all day?

• How much for these mints? Oh wait. I'll just SCAN them myself.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I Don't Get The Internet Sometimes.

Spotted on Facebook, an ad for a shirt that quotes Nicole Kidman's weird in-theatre promo for AMC Theatre.

Like, why quote that? Why does Nicole Kidman look like a Batman villain? Would you wear that shirt?
I don't think even Nicole Kidman would wear that shirt.

Monday, June 20, 2022


I think this is a recipe directed at guys who want to brag that they tossed Jennifer Aniston's salad.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Maybe the leg warmers just fell over time.

Shopping for a new hat often involves wearing a hat you don't particularly care about.
The rest of the ensemble is *chef's kiss*.

I'm guessing two roommates in the middle of a slumber party suddenly remembered they needed a popcorn machine, band aids and a 2-Liter of lemonade.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A Captcha

A lot of people mistake dogs who are panting with "smiling". You should know that, Captcha people. You have dogs, don't you? Some of these dogs may be desperately hot, and instead you think they're A-OK?

You know what? Maybe I won't be downloading this illegal copy of "Bullet Train" from you after all.

Monday, June 13, 2022

No Thanks, Groove Cruise

Spotted on Facebook:  Ad for a cruise that boasts NO VAX REQUIREMENTS!

Number one, ew. Number two, “start spreading” is probably not the phrase to be using here.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Let's Use Excessive IG Filters On The EADJ Mail Sack!

Submitted by Mig via text:

"This rapping DJ looks like she hangs out at Jabba's palace."

Thursday, June 9, 2022

An Imagined Conversation

"You unimaginative hack!"

"You backstabbing prick!"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Jared. Allison. What's going on here?"

"Hey Maxine. I'm glad your here. You can finally settle this."

"Settle what, Jared?"

"I just sent the new APPROVED ketchup label along with the specs to the printer, but Allison here suddenly has a problem with it now."

"You're damn right I do, and you tried to sneak it past me, you steamrolling prick!"

"Allison. We're all on the same brand team, here. Let's not use personal attacks. So what's the problem with the label, Allison?"

"Remember that design review last week when we recapped the typeface placement at the top?"


"Well, Maxine, look closely."


"Do you see it?"

"Wait. The hyphen is upside down now."

"Fucking THANK YOU."

"It's not upside down, Maxine. I saw it as an art mistake."

"But we approved it last week, Jared, you asshole."

"Yes it WAS approved. But I saw that it was a droplet that was mistakenly upside down and I corrected it before it went out."

"Why the fuck would there be a droplet in the place of an apostrophe, you dimwit?"

"Because it's a goddamned KETCHUP DROPLET on a goddamned KETCHUP BOTTLE, you cow!"

"Guys, guys guys. This is not constructive. We have to either let it go as is now or pull the entire label print run which will push us back two weeks. What's it gonna be?"

*conference door opens*

"Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm Seth, the new intern. I was just going to clean the room before the next meeting... oh hey, that's cool. A droplet as the apostrophe? Very cute detail! Okay, sorry to interrupt your brainstorm, guys. I'll come back later!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Conflict Between the Heroes of "Goo Hit Zu: Galaxy Attack" Gets Ugly

The ongoing so-called "Galaxy Attack" conflict between the Sun Fire Blazagon and the Dark Matter Terrack has reached its eight year in a "Cosmic Fury", prompting those witnessing the conflict to question if there is an end in sight or if the two sides will engage in battle forever.

The self-professed "Super Gooey" Sun Fire Blazagon has never been above personal attacks, calling his opponent a "race traitor to cosmic dinosaurs" and suggesting on Twitter that Terrack sexually harasses his interns. He's also taken out full-sized hologram ads on the Galactic News Feed urging the Goo Hit Zu authorities to inspect Terrack's home for illegal stretch steroids.

Not one to stand down from a fight, the indignant "Dark Matter" Terrack has replied to Blazagon's accusations, saying he's a "lying sack of goo" and insisting he's always been transparent about not using steroids. "SEE MY BONES!" he insists, "I'M SUPER SCRUNCHY!" Terrack has most recently driven by Blazagon's house and thrown dark matter at his dog and children.

The two are expected to debate next Friday at the Galactic Union Hall. Sun Fire fans and Dark Matter enthusiasts are expected to clash, so added security has been hired by the authorities.

Monday, June 6, 2022

New EADJ Segment: DoorDash Photography Critique!

This new segment will offer a balanced critique of Doordash (and sometimes Amazon) delivery photography, examining the composition, lighting and overall aesthetic beauty of their shots. Three factors that will be at the center of each critique are intent, skill, and consistency. Let's begin:

"Dunkin Donuts" by Miguel from DoorDash

It's pretty apparent that Miguel has a good eye for composition. He clearly understands the Rule of 3s, allowing the neatly stacked Dunkin bag to take up a good third of the horizontal space. And whether by luck or design, Miguel has allowed the dappled light of sunrise through the tree leaves to enhance the dimensionality of the bag, casting a stark shadow against the wall that echoes the shape of the mailbox. Exquisite!

A random detail: The initials "WCM" appear to be spelt in the leaf shadows at the bottom. A mystery!

Overall grade: A-
Although Miguel didn't incorporate the theme of donuts in his photo, the overall effect is truly artistic and worthy of prominent wall space in the DoorDash Gallery in Washington, DC.

Friday, June 3, 2022


I'm guessing someone named their beloved pets after former presidents, and not their kids?

"Who pooped on the carpet? Was that you, Obama?"

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Dear Hollywood:

Can we lay off of the neon movie posters for a while? My rods and cones are burning. And two of these are your doing, Taika Waititi!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Dear Ice Cream and Pizza:

STAY IN YOUR LANE. Nobody wants ice cream served up like pizza, and no one wants pizza served up like ice cream. Or pizza flavored ice cream, or ice cream flavored pizza, or any iteration of any of that shit. Ice cream rules. Pizza rules. DON'T MIX THE TWO THINGS BECAUSE THAT WILL SUCK.

No, random dude from Episode 2 of Ms. Marvel. I'm serious.